Monday, June 18, 2012

Plenty of Fish in the Sea

There are puh-lenty of fish in the sea.  Only a fool keeps any bottom feeder fish he pulls out at first try. Hey, some people like catfish, and flounders, and are content with that catch and pack it up and head home. Good for them. They will be done with that fish real quick, and will be left unsatisfied and still hungry, and you’ll see them back out there looking for more. Have some patience. Throw your best hook, line, and sinker out there, and sit back and relax. Enjoy your time alone with your thoughts. When you feel a snag, reel it in, and if its garbage, throw it back quick, before you hurt it.  Throw your line back out there and keep waiting. Good things come to those who wait.  The best things come to those who wait even longer.  Don’t settle for a fish you don’t really want.  Its sucks watching everybody else catch fish and go home, some guys even catch multiple fish, and yet you are still there waiting for your perfect catch.  Even if you wait patiently all day and night, and come back the next day and do it again, and still don’t catch the fish of your dreams, don’t give up!  You might even get insecure, after seeing some new guy come out there on his first day and catch a fish in the first couple hours , that’s as long as his leg, and decide you want to switch out your fishing gear, get a new pole and some new lures, maybe even a whole new tackle box.  I guess I couldn’t hurt, but you didn’t have to do that. It just wasn’t your time yet, stay patient, and it will eventually be your turn. If you endure to the end, you will one day feel that tug on your line that will dang near pull you into the water. You’ll immediately realize its the one you’ve been waiting for your whole life, without a doubt. You work harder than you’ve ever had to before, trying to reel this baby in.  Just the process of it, will be the most exciting thing you’ve ever done.  Other people will see you and be so happy for you, they’ll even try to help you by giving some tips, anything to make sure you don’t screw this up. When you finally get this baby in the boat, it'll be bigger and better than you expected, a fish bigger than you! You’ll pick that thing up and show the world! The proudest thing you’ve ever accomplished. A trophy fish to remember and cherish forever. You’ll always be grateful for having the patience to wait. I’m living proof that hopeless romance, isn’t hopeless at all, it just seems that way.

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